The Verse Of The Day

Daily Devotion

Thursday January 26th 2017

Bible Verse For Today

  • John 12:32 And I, [Jesus] if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to Myself. [ NASB ]

Name Of God For Today

  • Jehovah Jireh (The Lord will see / provide / be seen) [ See Genesis 22:13-14 ]

Devotional Reflection Thought For Today

  • I want to be a God pleaser, not a people pleaser.

Bible Trivia Question For Today

  • Who took up Elijah's mantle after he was taken to Heaven?
    1. Amos
    2. Elisha
    3. Isaiah
    4. Jeremiah

    Correct Answer: #2

One Year Bible Reading Guide For Today

  • Genesis 34, 35 & 36

Bible Word Search


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