The Verse Of The Day

Daily Devotion

Sunday February 4th 2018

Bible Verse For Today

  • Joshua 1:9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. [ NIV ]

Name Of God For Today

  • Jehovah Rapha (The Lord heals our sicknesses / troubles / our souls) [ See Exodus 15:26 ]

Devotional Reflection Thought For Today

  • Lord I desire a pure walk with you. How am I doing?

Bible Trivia Question For Today

  • What blessing was given to Rebekah as she left her home?
    1. May our sister be a powerful ruler.
    2. May our sister be the mother of thousands upon thousands.
    3. May your descendants follow the Lord forever.
    4. May your riches increase beyond measure.

    Correct Answer: #2

One Year Bible Reading Guide For Today

  • Exodus 10, 11 & 12

Bible Word Search


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