The Verse Of The Day

Daily Devotion

Monday July 9th 2018

Bible Verse For Today

  • Colossians 3:16 Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you, with all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with thankfulness in your hearts to God. [ NASB ]

Name Of God For Today

  • The Lamb without spot or blemish [ See 1 Peter 1:19 ]

Devotional Reflection Thought For Today

  • Jesus help me not to lose my footing.

Bible Trivia Question For Today

  • What happened to the Jordan River when the Priests stepped into it?
    1. A fiery chariot evaporated the waters as the Israelites passed
    2. A great whirlwind sucked the waters away
    3. The water flow was stopped beside the Priests as they entered the Jordan River
    4. The water flow was stopped upstream so they crossed on dry land

    Correct Answer: #4

One Year Bible Reading Guide For Today

  • 2 Chronicles 31, 32 & 33

Bible Word Search


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