The Verse Of The Day

Daily Devotion

Monday April 1st 2019

Bible Verse For Today

  • John 6:28-29 Then they asked him, "What must we do to do the works God requires?" Jesus answered, "The work of God is this: to believe in the one He has sent." [ NIV ]

Name Of God For Today

  • Jehovah (Savior or Deliverer) [ See Exodus 6:3 ]

Devotional Reflection Thought For Today

  • Jesus help me to worship You alone as God of my life.

Bible Trivia Question For Today

  • For not worshipping Nebuchadnezzar's idol ________, ________ and ________ were cast into a fiery furnace.
    1. James, Peter and John
    2. Joseph, Reuben and Simeon
    3. Daniel, Hosea and Joel
    4. Meshach, Shadrach and Abednego

    Correct Answer: #4

One Year Bible Reading Guide For Today

  • Deuteronomy 16, 17 & 18

Bible Word Search


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